John 4:24, Only Spirit Can Worship In Truth

Combined with our carnal nature, our knowledge of good and evil cannot truly worship God. Since God is a Spirit, our carnal nature can’t worship Him in truth because we are of the earth and therefore earthly. Our path to true worship was foreshadowed in the Law and then made real through the sacrifice of Christ.

As only the Spirit of God can miraculously accomplish, the spiritual kingdom foreshadowed in the Law given through Moses was amazing.  Hidden in the multiple layers of do’s and don’ts, were glimpses of an unseen kingdom of worshipers yet to be revealed.  True worship was coming!  This worship would be in Spirit and would be true.  The constraints of certain times and certain places would vanish within this unseen kingdom.

But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. John 4:23-24

God’s Spirit must be worshiped in spirit. Only once we enter into the Kingdom of God by being born into it through re-birth, can we begin to worship in spirit. The economy of the “Kingdom of God within us” has inherent truth. It does not purchase anything by the do’s and don’ts of the law. The purchase has been made. It is finished. Although we are still confined to the earth and still bound to our carnal nature, Christ’s purchase releases us to worship in spirit and in truth.  This worship is not of the mouth. It is Spirit to spirit and unseen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Cor. 4:18

The Kingdom of God has raised its flag over our hearts!  Its worship has the look of the unseen.  It may give expression in prayers and songs but prayers and songs alone cannot put it within us.  This unseen worship gives expression first in our obedience. Obedience is the first sign that a true worshiper has been born.  Without obedience, there is no love and therefore no true worship. But obedience alone cannot make us a true worshiper. Again, true obedience is an expression of our love for and submission to our new King but it cannot cause us to love the King.

Although the knowledge of good and evil is no longer in power, it is not content to be locked away.  It cries out from its dungeon-like confinement and wants control. During times of disobedience it will tell you that you can fool God by acting like a true worshiper. It will tell you that certain forms of worship impress God. Do not listen to its subtle deceit! Let your affection for the knowledge of good and evil wither away until you only have ears for the voice of Christ. Listen and obey – this is true worship.