How to Handle the Promises in the Bible

Many times we assume the past promises of God can be used as living contracts.  Beware!

A contract is defined as an agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law. In our spiritual life, when our knowledge of good and evil is used to claim the promises of God, the contract is not living; it becomes worthless, dead because it does not have His signature.  The promises of God are about His will, not our will.  Always and forever, our knowledge of good and evil causes us to desire our will.  This is apparent when we search our Bibles for a promise we desire for ourselves or another and claim it.  After several disappointing, confusing failures we will be forced to acknowledge that our will is always way, way, below God’s will.  When we repent and crawl back under the covering shade of the Tree of Life, we will find peace and rest while we unlearn our affection for our will.

Yes, God often makes living contracts with His people today. I have realized His wonderful promises several times during my life. The promises came from the Lord directly or from a Christian brother or sister during times of trial. The Tree of Life is a living tree.  If we are in need today, we can run to Christ for our daily bread.  He is that Living Bread from heaven that we can ask for, gather and make use of.

Living promises from the Tree of Life have certain qualities.  They feel fresh.  They have a sense of power about them that comes from outside of us.  We don’t have to chase the promise around and around our mind attempting to eke out a result. Instead, we carry a peaceful sense that although not yet seen, the promised thing is accomplished. Finally, when we witness the fulfillment of God’s promise, knowing He is blessed by our total dependence brings us pure joy.

For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

Let us not mix soul and spirit when we desire something from the hand of God.