The Three Marys in the Bible

Mary Magdalene, Mary – the sister of Martha, and Mary – the mother of Jesus are a glimpse into the sacred sequence that leads us away from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and toward the Tree of Life.

First, each Mary responds to the Tree of Life.  Second, each interacts personally with Him.  These interactions with Jesus repeat again and again in every Christian’s life: recognition of our need, repentance, time spent learning of Him, and finally, obedience to His will.

Mary Magdalene – Recognizing our Need and Repentance

The knowledge of good and evil does not lead or attract us to Jesus.  Rather, it is the Father that draws us to Him.  Without this merciful, unreasonable drawing, shame drives us in the opposite direction.  This drawing is a process in itself. It begins with a revelation of the truth of our state.  Sometimes slowly, gently, and sometimes quickly, violently, the truth becomes known: we need life and want Jesus!  He becomes lovely and irresistible to us.  Tears of relief flow as we express our need and desire for Him.  He tells us, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Mary, Sister of Martha – Time Spent Learning of Christ

Now, the relationship with Jesus takes form: time at His feet.  Our precious lover gains preeminence over all.  Even the voice of the knowledge of good and evil cannot tempt us away from our lover, although it will try. What we value shifts from things seen to things unseen.  He becomes Lord and we are happy to give Him His rightful throne.  We long for Him if we sense separation.  We don’t always understand His ways but His love is shed abroad in our hearts and we submit.

Mary, Mother of Jesus – Obedience to the Will of God

Humble submission leads to willing obedience.  The healthy structure Jesus builds into our lives takes on a purposeful shape.  Our part in His grand plan for His people may become known all at once or in small glimpses.  We learn to love His will and despise our own.  In fear and much trembling we go forth and obey.  Obedience is the natural result of our love.  Faithful in small things, we are given more and more.  Some will carry out His will in one area and some in another.  We feed and wash His body of fellow obeyers.  Our brothers and sisters in Christ become our cherished expressions of His will.  We lay down our lives for each other in remembrance of Christ. His will takes on a narrow aspect.  Our desire to stay within its narrow borders triumphs over all.  Nothing or no one can distract us.  And finally, when His trumpet sounds, Christ’s purposes for His bride have come to maturity.